Tips for color matching in web design 2022/05/24

1. Same color matching:

Same color matching refers to first selecting a certain color, then adjusting its transparency and saturation, and then lightening or deepening the color to produce a new color. This way, the final page will appear more uniform in color and have a sense of hierarchy.

2. Adjacent color matching:

Adjacent colors refer to adjacent colors on a color ring, such as green and blue, red and yellow, which are adjacent colors to each other. By using adjacent color combinations, web pages can avoid color clutter and achieve a harmonious and unified effect.

3. Comparison of color combinations:

Generally speaking, the three primary colors (red, yellow, and blue) best reflect the differences between colors. The strong contrast of colors has visual appeal and can have several practical effects. Contrast colors can highlight key points and produce a strong visual effect. By using contrasting colors reasonably, a website can have distinctive features and prominent points. In design, a single color is usually used as the main color tone, with contrasting colors as embellishments to add the finishing touch.

4. Warm color matching:

Warm color matching refers to the combination of colors such as red, orange, and yellow. The use of this color tone can create a stable, harmonious, and enthusiastic atmosphere for web pages.

5. Cool color matching:

Cold color matching refers to the use of combinations of green, blue, and purple colors, which can create a peaceful, cool, and elegant atmosphere for web pages. The combination of cool spot colors and white generally achieves better visual effects.

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